Kunsthaus Bregenz

Foto Markus Tretter

the star

Foto Markus Tretter

KUB Arena Andy Warhol – Fifteen Minutes of Fame02.02. bis 14.04.2013

Abbildung: AWTV.ep.18.MC.Liza.AW (c)AWM Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol’s T.V. [season 1, episode 18], 1981
3/4” Videoband, Farbe, Ton, 30 Minuten
Abgebildet: Liza Minnelli, Andy Warhol
Video still courtesy of The Andy Warhol Museum
© 2009 The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA, a museum of Carnegie Institute. All rights reserved.

Abbildung: Fashion.Debbie Harry and Friends.Debbie CU (c)AWM
Andy Warhol
Fashion: Debbie Harry and Friends, 1979
3/4” Videoband, Farbe, Ton, 30 Minuten
Abgebildet: Debbie Harry
Video still courtesy of The Andy Warhol Museum
© 2009 The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA, a museum of Carnegie Institute. All rights reserved.

Foto Markus Tretter

the "star" - Ausstellungsarchitektur in der KUB-Arena, Etienne Descloux und Oda Pälmke in PE-P

Foto Markus Tretter

Kunsthaus Bregenz - Andy Warhol - Fifteen Minutes of Fame - Etienne Descloux, Oda Pälmke in PE-P, 2013

Artist Charlotte Moth illuminates the "star" - the exhibition-architecture as artwork